About Me

I’m Alex Mason, a technology enthusiast. I’ve been programming professionally for 6 years and have a wide range of experience. My current tool of choice is Unreal Engine. You can email me at apmason119@gmail.com.

Below are some of the things I’ve worked on.

Vara - I built a Quest 2 VR app using UE that records a user’s motions, saves it to the cloud, and that lets that animation be download in Unreal Engine as a native animation using a UE Editor Plugin. Vara

Beat Bot Battle - Made over a weekend for Global Game Jam 2023, Beat Bot Battle is a VR game for Meta Quest 2 that involves you throwing root vegetables at oncoming hordes of attackers. Made using Blueprints only. Open sourced here: https://github.com/apmason/GGJ23-BeatBotBattle

Apple IAP Plugin - As I was making Vara, I had trouble with IAP in Unreal on Apple platforms. I built my own plugin to handle this and open sourced it: https://github.com/apmason/UEAppleIAPPlugin

NoTouch - NoTouch is a Mac and iOS app made using SwiftUI that utilizes the Vision framework to detect when a user is touching their face and alerts them. Open sourced here: https://github.com/apmason/NoTouch

Bose AR Glasses - I worked on a developer SDK that exposed rotation and gesture data from Bose Glasses to client apps. I worked on the native iOS SDK written in Swift that communicated over BLE and I worked on a Unity plugin bridge that exposed the iOS SDK to Unity. https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/frames.html

Escape Room AR - I built an Escape Room in AR using Unity. I made all 3D models and textures myself. Available here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/escape-the-room-ar/id1329567068

Ladder - I was Lead iOS developer and the second full time at Ladder, a health and fitness startup. I helped build and architect the app from scratch. I dealt with UIKit, our REST backend, Firebase for realtime chat, and HealthKit along the way. https://joinladder.com

I started the Seattle Unreal Meetup group to meet more like minded folks. https://www.meetup.com/seattle-unreal/